But How Do I Use My TinyPot?
Every TinyPot is multifunctional and food safe. The uses of your TinyPot is only limited by your imagination! Here are the most common ways people have utilized their pieces:
- Air plant holder
- Sake glass
- Bud/flower vase
- Ring dish
- Salt well
- Match striker
- Plant cutting propagator
- Toothpick holder
- Sauce dish
- Cosmetics mixing bowl
- Shot glass
- Pen holder
- Espresso cup
- Charcuterie/lobster fork holder
Some uncommon uses we've heard include:
- Feather holder
- Pet hedgehog water dish
- Whisker collecting vase
- "Bottle for my boyfriend's tears"
Send us a message on Instagram and let us know how you use your TinyPot!